Trace Labs at Defcon 2018 in Vegas

Robert Sell

March 12, 2018

Trace Labs was just informed that it was accepted to run an official contest at Defcon 26 in Vegas in 2018. This is fantastic news and will allow us to take the concept of crowdsourced OSINT to the largest hacking conference in the world.

At Defcon 26, Trace Labs intends to run a CTF style contest against multiple missing persons around the world. Results of the CTF will be sent to the respective authorities for that area that have declared the person missing. It is out intent to locate at least one missing person.

This contest has the potential to be a landmark event that showcases the good that InfoSec can do. Hacking is not all about black hats and ransomware. We can also save lives.

If this sounds exciting and you want to be part of this event as either a participant or help organize, please let us know. We want your feedback and guidance.

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